ARC Arnot Research & Consulting strives to improve the scientific understanding of the potential hazards and risks chemicals may cause to humans and the environment.
Several thousand chemicals are currently used in society and thousands of new chemicals are developed annually. Globally, legislative programs seek to identify and regulate chemicals that pose hazards and unacceptable risks to humans and the environment. Scientific methods, data, tools and expertise are required to identify chemical hazards and minimize the potential for unacceptable risks to humans and ecosystems.
Services we provide include globally recognized scientific expertise on:
- physicochemical properties
- reaction processes in the environment
- quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs)
- poly-parameter linear free energy relationships (ppLFERs)
- mass balance multi-media models
- toxicokinetics in plants, invertebrates, fish, wildlife and humans
- toxicokinetics in in vitro bioassay systems
- chemical fate and transport in natural and fabricated (indoor) environments
- bioaccumulation in aquatic and air-breathing organisms
- exposure to ecological receptors and humans
- chemical safety and risk assessment for ecological receptors and humans
- persistence, bioaccumulation, mobility, and toxicity assessment
- custom model development, testing, application, and hosting.
Our research includes:
- development of high-quality chemical information and data
- development and testing (evaluation, validation) of QSARs and ppLFERs
- development and testing of multi-media mass balance models for outdoor and indoor fate and transport
- development and testing of toxicokinetic models for in vitro and in vivo systems
- development and testing of holistic exposure models for a wide range of ecological receptors and humans.
We collaborate with colleagues in academia, industry and government.
ARC can provide expert guidance to address scientific uncertainty and save resources in regulated chemical assessments.